Saturday, May 16, 2009

La Selva

So the course began about 5 days ago and we are now in La Selva biological station. The students are working on the data analysis from their research projects so I have a bit of free time and figured I would give an update.

So its really different being on the other side of things this time around. Scientists never really achieve the "old pro" feeling, but it does feel nice to be able to know more about whats going on around me and be able to share my knowledge with the students. One of my favorite parts was leading a group of students around San Jose and getting them to places they needed to be to errands, though my knowledge of how to get around the city is pretty lacking I just pretended to know where I was going, used a lot of Spanish, and it worked out pretty well for us. They are an enthusiastic group of people and there is a huge range of personalities and backgrounds, but they all get along fantastically.

La Selva isnt my favorite place to be down here because its terribly hot and humid and generally just uncomfortable to live in.. but it does have a great diversity of plants and animals. We've seen many things so far... all kinds of birds including parrots and toucans, peckari, monkeys, red eyed tree frogs *actually the group of students I was with got to see the tree frogs mating, which was like a nat geo special in real life haha.. , also some snakes though none of the really poisonous ones that tend to hang around this place a lot. Although I no longer get the thrill and urge to take as many pictures as possible of every animal I see, its really fun to watch the excitement in the students and actually a lot more satisfying. Anyway, I am really enjoying my role as TA, and get along great with the two other TAs.. its definitely helping me learn and mature in big ways because for the first time I have to think about 20 other people before I think about myself.

Today I had my first experience with the health care system down here, which is a free system. Yesterday I found myself coming down with a tonsil infection.. not sick or anything, just had white spots on the one side of my throat that hurt when I swallowed. There was also a student who was feeling ill with different symptoms.. in any case we decided to go to the health clinic today to take care of it. We got there and handed the receptionist our passports... no forms to fill out.. nothing. we were called in after about 20 minutes and saw a doctor immediately. She asked me my symptoms , looked in my throat, told me I had a throat infection and prescribed me an antibiotic and tylenol. The student was also given an antibiotic as well as a shot of pain medicine. We went to the back of the clinic and waited for our prescriptions. We got them and went on our way. It was an efficient process and we didnt have to pay a cent!

Hmm well I guess thats all for now, I am lingering in the computer lab because it is air conditioned and much nicer than the air outside. Maybe I will post some pictures later, but maybe not since I have not really taken too many.


  1. Sounds too hot and humid for me, it's in the cool 60's here.Enjoy the TA experience and I like the healthcare plan (free). Hope you feel better. Stay Cool!!

  2. ah- just gargle some salt water and rub dirt on it. That's free too :o) hehehe guess that's how you learn to cope when healthcare ISN'T free. I had strep throat two weeks ago. My doc wouldn't even SEE me until symptoms persisted for 5 days!!! It was so bad but I couldn't do anything about it so I went to work anyway!! How's that for American health care? If I could have just popped in when symptoms started and got some free meds, I wouldn't have put anyone else at risk. Yikes. Anyhow- I am SO ready for a vacation. Soon!
